Wie geht Squirting? Die ultimative Anleitung OH MY! FANTASY

What is squirting? Instructions for squirting

When you hear squirting or female ejaculation, you might think: "Can any woman really do that?" or "I can't ejaculate" - but you can! You'll learn here what exactly squirting means and get the ultimate guide on how to succeed in squirting. Squirting is both fascinating and a great mystery to many. Time to unravel the mystery!

Squirting Training Frau im Ozean

What is Squirting?

Many find the topic of squirting exciting, but do not know how or simply do not dare to squirt. But in principle, all women are capable of squirting and can also cum! However, the amount of fluid ejected during ejaculation depends on the number and size of the responsible glands. It is also known that women who can squirt often have a strong pelvic floor - so pelvic floor training helps! In addition, squirting is very much about letting go.

History of squirting

Squirting, or female ejaculation, has become known in recent decades, especially through porn. However, the knowledge that women can also ejaculate when they are aroused is much older. Already in Taoism, the female ejaculate is called "white moonflower medicine" or in Tantra as Amrita, which means divine nectar. The secretion that women secrete during squirting was therefore considered very special or even sacred in many traditions!

Is female ejaculation and squirting the same thing?

Science is currently still pretty much in the dark about which fluids make up the female ejaculate, where exactly it arises anatomically and physiologically, and how it is triggered. This information is so important at this point because there are various statements and theories about this on the Internet - but actually no scientific clarity yet. In this article, squirting and female ejaculation are used as synonymous.

Squirting Flüssigkeit Erklärung

The squirting fluid is urine, isn't it?

No, it is not. The female ejaculate is relatively clear and smells of nothing. Currently, it is assumed that the squirting fluid is produced in the so-called paraurethral gland (also called Skene's gland or female prostate) and is also secreted through it. This gland is located around the urethra and its outlet is also very close to the urethral opening. This is probably why many women think they are urinating when in fact they are squirting.

Is squirting automatically associated with orgasm?

Squirting can take place detached from an orgasm - or coupled with an orgasm. It's different for every woman. Learn more about common orgasm problems!

The biggest fear of squirting

One of the biggest fears and also reasons why women don't squirt is the fear that - if they completely let go and give themselves - urine might come along. But the squirting fluid is not the urine, don't worry. Squirting, like sex and masturbation, is about stimulating your clitoris, cock tube, and vaginal wall. This area is also called the CUV zone (clitourethrovaginal complex). To squirt, or come to orgasm, it helps to stimulate all three areas. When aroused, the entire erectile tissue swells and puts pressure on the bladder. Then you may feel like you need to go to the bathroom. But it's actually the Skene glands that you feel!

Squirting Ananas im Meer

How does squirting work?

Some women start squirting naturally - just after they hear that it is possible and they have studied their anatomy. Stimulation of the G-spot plays the central role here as the following graphics illustrate. In the graphics, the glands described above are called "squirting glands" for simplicity, they are located in spongy tissue around the urethra.

Squirting Anatomie

With arousal and the right touches, this region of tissue swells and a fluid is produced in the glands, which is later expelled during squirting.
Squirting Anatomie Körper


Can I squirt on my own?

In fact, we think it's the prerequisite! It's important that you first get to know your body, your vagina and especially your G-spot on your own. The perfect condition for squirting is when you feel comfortable and develop a sense of your own arousal. Alone, you will probably be more successful with squirting at first. There is absolutely no point in chasing a sex trend or pleasuring your partner with it. If it is comfortable for you, you can try squirting with your partner in the next step. And as always, no master has fallen from the sky! 

What do men think about squirting?

Vaginal orgasms are much more difficult for women, that's normal. A great lover may bring us to climax through a clitoral orgasm. Squirting is the ultimate confirmation that we have been satisfied. When our partner makes us women squirt, it's a huge compliment! It shows that you can fully let yourself go and trust your partner. Trust is the basis for squirting to work. Take plenty of time to get in the mood and create a relaxed atmosphere.

Here again are our 5 tips that will bring you closer to squirting:

  • Relax
  • Don't be ashamed to let yourself go
  • Do not be afraid of peeing
  • Train your pelvic floor muscles
  • Enjoy it!
Squirting Anleitung

Squirting guide

Important: Every woman can squirt in principle, but above all, every woman is an individual. Some produce more squirting fluid, others may not be able to relax properly. Therefore, we give you tricks to squirt.

1. Preparation for squirting

  • Take time to practice squirting consciously and undisturbed (i.e. cell phone on airplane mode, door closed)
  • Find a moment when you are relaxed
  • Be patient and don't expect too much! It may not work right away.

Have some lube or Natural massage oil and a glass dildo ready. Natural-based lubes are the best because they contain no harmful potential irritants and many are even vegan.

Massage- und Gleitgel "BIO wasserbasiert 2in1"

If you like, you can put under yourself a large towel - many have inhibition before the charge, which in doubt leaves our body quite uncontrollably.

2. Warm-up and open hips

It's super important to first open your body to feel more of your sexuality. Put on 1-2 of your favorite songs or the Spotify playlist "OH MY! FANTASY - Squirting". Dance wildly, shake your whole body and let go of all your tensions. Afterwards, get into the quadruped position and let your hips gyrate.

3. G spot exploration

When you are relaxed and at ease, start massaging your vulva and vulva lips. Take your time, the more time you spend here, the more likely it is that you will squirt.

Then put one of your fingers at the entrance of your vagina and locate your G-spot - or better the G-zone. This is a region at the top of the vaginal canal, about 2-3cm past the entrance of your vagina. It feels slightly rough like the ribbed part of your palate or the surface of a walnut.

Then touch your G-spot with different movements. You can just stroke it or experiment with circular and pulsating motions. Enjoy consciously feeling the different textures in your vagina.

4. G-Point Massage

If you like, you can now add lubricant, then it slips better! Insert two fingers into your vagina and start to caress, circle and press against your G-spot. Then thrust with your fingers alternately slowly and quickly and pull out every now and then. Always remain gentle and tender with yourself!

As stimulation increases, your G-spot will get bigger and harder. The G-spot can become as big as a walnut - the best prerequisite for squirting! Sooner or later, you'll usually feel the urge to pee - Good sign! That means you're getting closer to your goal of squirting! You don't notice anything or maybe it's even uncomfortable? Then just postpone the squirting session! Do something good for yourself and reward yourself with an orgasm. 

5. Lets go and Squirt

Now it's time for the final spurt: stay relaxed and continue massaging the G-spot. While massaging the G-spot with two fingers, try to build up light pressure but don't tense up. Easier said than done! But play around with this technique a bit. Many women are helped by the idea of gently pushing a penis or dildo out of the vagina. With a moan, this happens automatically as you tense your pelvic floor muscles.

Close your eyes and concentrate fully on the feeling of the movement: push gently, moan loosely, breathe, ... and cum! This is probably the hardest part, and for some it takes a little time to get the hang of it.

Squirting als Paar vor Ozean

So you come together to squirting climaxes!

Great! Now you already know how squirting works alone! Our Date Box Squirting contains step-by-step instructions on how to get the female fluids flowing in pairs. 

For the ultimate exact guide on how to approach squirting, check out our Date Box Squirting. Beforehand, there are some exercises just for the squirter - to explore and sensitize her body, especially her G-spot. For the squirt maker, there are some very special squirting techniques to get the female fluids flowing.

Conclusion: Practice makes the squirting master

When you practice squirting for the first time, you will probably only get a few drops. But then you know how it works in principle and can increase step by step. Think of it as squirt training, getting a little better each time. 

There are women for whom it helps to have an orgasm before squirting, because your clitoris and vaginal wall are already stimulated and excited that way. This way you can fully concentrate on the interaction of relaxation and pressure.

We wish you a lot of fun with probably one of the hottest workouts!

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