On a Mission

Great sex is easier than you might think. 

50 years after the sexual revolution, women and men are still not equal, not even in bed. The Pleasure Gap describes the fact that a THIRD of women reach orgasm less often than men.


Many of us have a distorted perception of what "good" sex should look like or feel like. The reasons for this are complex, and over the centuries profound beliefs have become established in our society that make liberated sex and unbridled lust a true myth. 

Accordingly, there is still a lot of shame and insecurity in many bedrooms. High time to change that! We bust the myths and misinformation surrounding pleasure and sex with research-backed, expert-led advice:

In cooperation with our experienced sex experts we develop date night experiences that are full of tried and tested tips and tricks and the many little secrets that make the date night a firework, developed with great attention to detail. Finally date nights without embarrassing moments: trying out new things in bed and openly communicating your preferences is good! For (more) desire and pleasure. 

Mit OH MY! FANTASY initiate the journey of discovery to lust, experience new sexperiences and reach a new level of sexual freedom!

It has long been proven that physicality and sexuality have a strengthening effect on relationships. However, the status quo of sexuality and lust/pleasure, which has been taken for granted for decades, reveals striking insights: 

  • Orgasm-Gap is real! The anatomy of the vulva has long been ignored and media imagery is clearly focused on vaginal orgasms 
  • Many feel great pressure to perform, that sex is only "successful" when both come - everyone is involved third orgasm of women a fake! 
  • Communicating about one's own preferences in bed is associated with a lot of shame and insecurity, as well this podcast openly discussed!

"My personal concern is to create a framework in which female desire can fully develop in a partnership."

Annika Breu, founder of OH MY! FANTASY

Acting out one's own lust is a basic need of every human being, like rest and relaxation or very basic things like eating. However, due to the taboo on female lust, many women often do not even know what they like, because there is no discourse or space to discover one's own sexuality and preferences - without prejudice and shame! OH MY! FANTASY would like to offer women a space to continue to discover and enjoy their own desire in a partnership - and thus to break the taboo bit by bit.

Pleasure is (y)our birthright! 


For each date box we cooperate with experienced sex experts - for the best and tried and tested tips and tricks for your date night. So that you can concentrate on the essentials of the date night: you!

Marianne Kreissig 

Marianne Kreissig

Marianne is a coach and dating expert in Munich. She is trained to Certified VITA Sex, Love and Relationship Coach graduated after Layla Martin. This training is the best and most intensive that is currently available worldwide for the area of sex, love and relationship. Marianne is also a Certified Awakening Coach according to Arjuna Ardagh. The focus of this training is the awakening of consciousness and mutual awareness in a partnership. 

with their program Circle4Love she has developed a unique, personalized coaching program especially for women. For four months, Circle4Love follows a holistic approach that works on all levels of being: mind, body, emotions, energy and soul - with the aim of creating the right conditions for a lasting loving relationship.

More information at www.circle4love.de

Caroline Hopp

Caro is a psychologist, yoga & tantra teacher and coach for intimacy, sex & couples. Her deepest wish is that every person regains the freedom to authentically be themselves and thereby experience a life full of joy and in deep connection with their own truth. For them, this includes in particular being able to live out their own sexuality freely and authentically.

Caro supports both women and couples in shedding shame in relation to their own sexuality, in sensing desires, needs and limits and in learning to communicate them honestly. She hosts regular online Self Pleasure Rituale for women who want to experience themselves as sensual and sexual beings. In her Tantric Dates for Couples she guides couples towards true intimacy and closeness as well as sexual ecstasy.

More information at www.carolinehopp.com

Katharina Horvath

Catherine is a coach for relationships and sexuality in Munich. In 2014, she was exhausted and faced with a hard truth: she had completely overexerted herself and her body. Instead of giving up, she embarked on her own research trip and discovered her sexuality as a source of strength for herself. About a very intimate awareness practice called Orgasmic Meditation™ she gained strength, learned to relinquish control and give yourself completely. 

She completed several coaching training courses and is a certified trainer for Orgasmische Meditation (Certified Master OM Life Coach). She offers this practice to couples who are ready to make their relationship closer and more intimate, to revitalize their sexuality and to be more mindful in the future. In addition, she supports women in her women's circles, workshop and 1-to-1 coaching on the way to a fulfilling sexuality.

More information at www.katharinahorvath.coach



Deviance Team

Deviance is an introductory app for people interested in BDSM and fetishes that was developed together with the community. The two founders, Marina Rößer and Tolga Gigel, have set themselves the task of getting the BDSM and fetish area out of the shabby corner and giving it a young, attractive face.

In order to do justice to the understanding of BDSM as a lifestyle, the team explains various aspects and terms on the associated website, gives tips on safe dating and how to approach which practices safely and sensibly. As with the app, the team also works closely with the scene and experienced BDSM practitioners when it comes to creating the content.

More information at www.deviance.app



Sascha and Sarah use the rope as an instrument to express themselves and as access to each other. They enjoy the flow and merging of their energies in a very special way that can only be achieved through Shibari. As experienced trainers, mindful explorers and creative artists, they offer a unique, multifaceted and tailor-made offer for all those who explore and deepen themselves, their own eroticism, the relationship with the other person or the art of tying up and touching through coaching, bodywork and art want.  

They convey their techniques, philosophies and concepts in workshops and private sessions, in which they create safe spaces in which you can discover and above all enjoy your sensual self and your desires. Classical coaching approaches merge with inspirations from dance, bodywork, self-care, sensuality and photography into unique moments of self-awareness and personal empowerment. 

More information at www.vaegabound.com

Nika power 

Nika Macht

Nika Macht is a podcaster, author, speaker, coach and dominatrix. She shares her very own experiences with guests, coachees, interview partners and many wonderful people who confide in her.

Nika shows you the true mask of the BDSM scene so that you can take off your personal one. Let yourself be captivated by this black and colorful world - the fascination will eventually bring you to your knees ;) Ob sexually, in a partnership, professionally or in your own life concept - the definition of BDSM is individual. But one thing applies to this term in general: Find YOUR way through "being with you & doing".

More information at www.anika-tiegs.de


Yella Cremer Sexpertin

Instigator to more pleasure - Yella is a sex expert and intimacy coach. For more than 20 years she has been gathering experience in the field of sexuality, tantra, BDSM, sexual shamania and so-called "sacred sexuality" through travel, seminars and personal development.

In 2005, Yella founded the tantra massage practice "Ayella" (today "Ayana") in Essen, where she massaged herself. From 2012 to 2015, Yella led the LoveBase center for workshops and seminars in Berlin, now LoveBase continues to exist as an online sex school. Through this work, she was able to learn a lot about people's sexual needs. She passes on a large part of this extensive knowledge to the readers in her books. In 2019 the book "Love Would Make Slow Sex" was published. More about Yella's work can be found on her website: www.lovebase.com

Anna Dillinger

Anna Dillinger

Anna Dillinger is a sex educator, psychological counselor and sex counselor. She works according to the Sexocorporel method, which also includes the physical learning level in the form of body awareness and the expansion of one's own body skills. Topics of a counseling session can be: Problems or desire for further development in sexuality, e.g. listlessness, orgasm, ability to enjoy, premature or non-existent ejaculation, ability to have an erection, pain during sex, unwanted fantasies, sexual self-confidence, sexual identity. Individual and couple counseling available.
More information at www.anna-dillinger.at

 Isabel Petergrün

Isabel is a blogger from the LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersexual, queer) scene. the "queer" realm. She and her partner Tom are in an open relationship and are both attracted to both genders. They have a little daughter and live together in two apartments on one floor. Since 2019 they have been writing down their experiences and impressions under a pseudonym in the blog offenerzweier. In addition to their own reflection, their texts also serve to educate and exchange views on alternative relationship models. 

Over the years, both separately and together, Isabel and Tom have had various erotic and sexual experiences, which they artfully share with others on their blog. Besides writing blog texts and erotic literature, Isabel's passion is art. She inspires her readers with her simple but loving drawings.

More information at www.offenerzweier.de


Die Orgasmus Lücke

50 Jahre nach der sexuellen Revolution sind Frauen und Männer immer noch nicht gleichberechtigt, auch nicht im Bett. Die Pleasure Gap - oder auch Orgasmus Lücke - beschreibt die Tatsache, dass ein DRITTEL der Frauen weniger oft als Männer zum Orgasmus kommen.

Viele von uns haben eine verzerrte Wahrnehmung, wie "guter" Sex auszusehen hat oder wie er sich anfühlen soll. Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte haben sich in unserer Gesellschaft tiefgreifende Glaubenssätze etabliert, die befreiten Sex und ungezügelte Lust zu einem wahren Mythos machen. 


Großartiger Sex ist leichter, als du vielleicht denkst!

Viele Frauen wissen durch die Tabuisierung der weiblichen Lust allerdings oft nicht, was ihnen gefällt, weil es keinen Diskurs oder Raum gibt, die eigene Sexualität und Vorlieben zu entdecken - ohne Vorurteile und Scham!

Wir räumen mit Mythen und falschen Informationen rund um Lust und Sex auf, mit forschungsgestützten, von Experten geleiteten Ratschlägen:

In Zusammenarbeit mit unseren erfahrenen SexpertInnen entwickeln wir Date Night Erlebnisse, die voll sind mit erprobten Tipps und Tricks und den vielen kleinen Geheimnissen, die das Entdecken der Lust zu einem Feuerwerk machen, mit viel Liebe zum Detail entwickelt. Neue Dinge im Bett auszuprobieren und offen die eigenen Vorlieben zu kommunizieren kommt gut! 

Wir leben das Motto: Pleasure is your birthright.

Das Ausleben der eigenen Lust ist, wie Ruhe und Entspannung oder ganz grundsätzlichen Dingen wie Nahrungsaufnahme, ein Grundbedürfnis jedes Menschen. Der Status Quo zur Sexualität und Lust/ Pleasure offenbart jedoch frappierende Erkenntnisse:


Orgasm-Gap is real! Die Anatomie der Vulva wurde lange ignoriert und die Bildsprache der Medien ist klar auf vaginale Orgasmen ausgerichtet.


Viele verspüren großen Leistungsdruck, dass Sex nur "erfolgreich" ist, wenn beide kommen - dabei ist jeder dritte Orgasmus von Frauen ein Fake! 

Mangel an Kommunikation

Kommunikation über die eigenen Vorlieben im Bett ist oft noch mit viel Scham und Unsicherheit behaftet, aber die Voraussetzung für sexuelle Selbstbestimmtheit.

Mit OH MY! FANTASY die Entdeckungsreise zur Lust anstoßen, neue Sexperiences erleben und ein neues Level an sexueller Freiheit erreichen!

Unsere Gründerin

Ich glaube an die neue Generation sexuell selbstbewusster, starker Frauen! Mein persönliches Herzensanliegen ist es, mit OH MY! FANTASY (Female) Pleasure salonfähig zu machen, Tabus zu brechen und dafür zu sorgen, dass jede Frau das Potenzial und die Kraft der eigenen Lust voll ausschöpft.

Ich bin überzeugt, dass wenn Frau im Bett klar kommunizieren kann, was sie will, dann klappt das auch in anderen Lebensbereichen.

Female Empowerment from Bed Room to Board Room!