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Yoni Ei: Mit dieser Anleitung benutzt du es richtig! OH MY! FANTASY

Yoni Egg - more than a pelvic floor workout

Yoni eggs are very trendy right now. The egg made of semi-precious stone is the oldest sex toy in the world. You've never heard of the Yoni Egg? That's okay - here you'll find all the background information on what a Yoni Egg actually is, why you should definitely give it a try, as well as detailed instructions on how to use the Yoni Egg properly - including tips on insertion and extraction!

Frau hält Yoni EI mit beiden Händen

What are Yoni Eggs?

Yoni eggs are currently experiencing a trendy upswing. Many do not know that the use of these eggs made of stone is already many thousands of years old and was ritually practiced by women in the time of Taoism. A Yoni egg is therefore the oldest sex toy in the world! It was already used by Chinese queens, royal beloved for more pleasure, vitality and the notorious eternal youth. 

But first things first. So what exactly are yoni eggs? The word "yoni" is Sanskrit (read more about Tantra here) and stands for the female sexual organs vulva, vagina and uterus. In a broader context, however, it also stands for "female creative power" or "origin" - pretty impressive, right?

But what exactly is the Yoni Egg? The Yoni Egg is a small egg made of a semi-precious stone, often jade, rose quartz, obsidian or amethyst, that a woman inserts vaginally. Certain exercises can be done with the egg - but there is much more to it than mere pelvic floor training.

Ein grünes Jade Ei vor rosa Feder Hintergrund

Advantages and effect of the Yoni Egg

Many people find the Yoni Egg practice a great enrichment, and rightly so: the targeted use of Yoni Eggs can cause women to feel more libido, have a greater sense of pleasure through a sensitized vaginal canal - and thus also experience more intense orgasms. This increased vaginal sensitivity is exactly what makes the deeper vaginal and G-spot orgasms possible, which go beyond clitoral stimulation and are accompanied by a completely different sensation of pleasure.

Above all, it is important to note that the balls are not for wearing alone, but work most effectively when you specifically practice with them, because this exercises not only the pelvic floor, but also the muscles located around the vaginal canal. This is exactly the clue if you want to take your own vaginal sensitivity and orgasmic ability to a whole new level. 

A well-perfused genital anatomy with healthy muscle tone are the nuts and bolts for a pronounced libido with greater pleasurable sensations. An organ that doesn't feel much can't feel much. And the yoni is a feeling organ that is actually capable of great pleasure!

In addition, mindful exercises combined with breathing techniques, movement and sound can help accelerate and sustain healing processes that are accompanied by physical or emotional pain. Overall, it is always recommended to discuss plans around the Yoni Egg with your trusted gynecologist first.

However, it is worth having your own Yoni Egg in your personal toolkit and using it to make the exercises a habit. These six joyful benefits await you with the Yoni Egg:

  • more vaginal sensitivity
  • more body awareness
  • more fun during sex due to increased sensation of pleasure
  • more and better orgasms
  • more sexual desire
  • more energy and liveliness
  • Ei aus Bergkristall vor rosa Hintergrund mit weißer Blume links unten

Various Yoni Ei materials

There are yoni eggs made of many different materials, for example, jade, jasper, obsidian, rose quartz, amethyst or even rock crystal. Jade, for example, is said to have positive healing properties for the female sexual anatomy and obsidian is well suited for deeper work with emotions.

In general, be sure to choose a stone that is not prone to breakage and whose surface has a high density, that is, is not porous, so that germs can not settle. Buying cheap is not a good idea here, because there are many fake or even glued stones circulating at low prices on the Internet, as the trend has also brought many dubious suppliers to the market - this is reflected in inferior quality.

For vaginal use, the highest quality of Yoni Ice is an absolute must. That is why women should urgently look at the origin of the ice and make sure that it comes from a certified mine, for example. With our Yoni Date Box, you will receive a certified high-quality Yoni Egg made of jade, and you can start directly with the exercises.

A particularly high-quality store for Yoni eggs is also the store Yoni Eggs Rocks - here high-quality Yoni eggs are offered in all possible shapes and materials. The founder shares the secrets of Yoni Eggs and has found her purpose with a hand of good quality. 

Drei Jade Eier in grün vor rosa Feder Hintegrund

How to choose the right size Yoni Egg

Yoni eggs are generally found in three different sizes: S, M and L. But which one is right for you? The rule of thumb is: the larger the egg, the easier it is to hold in the vagina and practice with it.

  • An egg in size L is the easiest to hold, so it is particularly suitable for a weakly developed pelvic floor.
  • For the vast majority of women, a size M egg is ideal, for example, even after pregnancy. Women who have not yet had penetrative intercourse can also use a medium egg without any problems.
  • An S size egg is more for advanced users with very pronounced pelvic floor muscles.

Can the Yoni Egg get stuck in the vagina?

Don't worry, the Yoni Egg cannot get stuck! It never travels further than the cervix and therefore cannot simply disappear.

  • For Beginner
For beginners, it is best to use a Yoni Egg that has a drilled hole. This way, the Yoni Eggs can not just be inserted and worn, but you can thread them through the hole onto a thread. Positive side effect: with the help of this thread, which works like a kind of retrieval thong, you can do resistance exercises by gently pulling on the thong while tightening the muscles.
  • For advanced

For more advanced Yoni Egg wearers, a Yoni Egg without a hole is recommended - this allows for even more intensive pelvic floor training. If you use a Yoni Egg without a hole, it is best to squat down to retrieve the Yoni Egg and try to push it out again with muscle power. It is important that you take enough time and stay relaxed - because at the beginning the right muscle strands have to be activated first and you develop a sensibility how to get the Yoni Egg out again best.


Frau wäscht grüne Jade Eier unter Wasserhahn im Waschbecken

How to clean the Yoni Egg

We recommend boiled, running-warm water for cleaning. But it should not be too hot! If the water boils, it could cause the Yoni Egg to burst or break the surface. A lukewarm gentle temperature is ideal. Let the Yoni Egg rest in the water until the water cools down. 

The advantage of boiled water is that you won't get debris in the plumbing directly associated with the Yoni Egg - remember anything that touches the Yoni Egg will also come into contact with your vagina. 

And water alone is perfectly sufficient! You don't need (chemical) soap or even vinegar for cleaning, as these agents can make the surface of the stone porous. Simply use a cloth to dry it - but never blow on it with a hot hairdryer! 

Important: Make sure that you wash the Yoni Egg with warm water before use and make it ready for use. 

For many, the Yoni Egg is also associated with energetic cleansing, as semi-precious stones are said to have energetic healing effects. And these want to be balanced. You can bathe the Yoni Egg in the moonlight to "recharge" it or place the egg in a bowl of brown rice to cleanse it - this tradition comes from Africa and Asia, where rice is considered to have great power in addition to basic nutrition.

Yoni Ei aus Rosenquarz

How to insert the Yoni Egg

In a Yoni Egg exercise, the egg is inserted vaginally to then target and contract different muscle areas with your own attention. To begin, lie relaxed on your back and let your legs fall open next to you. Now insert the Yoni Egg into your vagina with the bulbous side facing up. With loose hips, the Yoni Egg will find its perfect position all by itself.

Beginner exercise with a yoni egg

An example of an exercise with the Yoni Egg to start with is to imagine the right and the left side of the vaginal canal and to tense only one of the two sides in isolation - without tightening the other side as well. You can also do this exercise without the Yoni Egg at first. What may seem beyond your capabilities at first will become not only normal, but effortless and natural with a regular Yoni Egg practice.

And even better, there are no negative side effects!

This article was written in cooperation with Jenny from Hallo Yoni.

You are curious and want to try the Yoni Egg?

Yoni Ei Einführung

Then our date guide "Yoni Egg Introduction" is just the thing! In addition to practical tips on how to prepare for the Yoni Egg exercise, you can expect an audio that guides you live through your very own Yoni Egg practice - with proven exercises whose duration you can increase over time and thus stimulate your sexual energy more and more.


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