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Yoni Massage: So funktioniert die tantrische Vagina-Massage OH MY! FANTASY

Yoni Massage: How the tantric vagina massage works

A tantric yoni massage, also called vagina massage, focuses on female pleasure and the female womb. If you think, "That's just fingering!", you haven't yet experienced the incredibly arousing tantric techniques of a really good yoni massage - pretty much the most intense thing a woman can enjoy. Here you will learn everything you need to know about the Yoni massage and how your partner can bring you to new heights with this Tantra massage.

Yoni Massage Was ist das


What is the Yoni Massage about?

The Yoni Massage is a non-intentional, sensitive touch of the genital area, where the main focus is on one's own body awareness. Yoni massage is often considered a form of erotic massage, but it is primarily NOT about sexual satisfaction. That is, orgasms are not a goal of Yoni Massage. Yoni massage is more about present sensation, increasing sensation in the vagina and strengthening the intimacy between you as a couple.

What can a Yoni Massage do?

A yoni massage is very healing, but can also be unpleasant. Both physically (through tension in certain tissue regions), and especially emotionally. Those who suffer from a sexual blockage or trauma can approach their sexuality again through the Yoni Massage. Through the massage, trauma and negative, stored energies in the intimate area can be dissolved. It is quite normal that strong emotions such as anger or sadness can appear as if out of nowhere. In these moments it is important as a receiver to allow the emotions and as a giver to hold the space in love and presence.

Tantra Massage Yoni Vagina Massage


What does Yoni mean?

Yoni is a Sanskrit term that describes the entire female genital area - that is, the lips of Venus and the clitoris, as well as the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. The Tantra teachings encourage to consider the vagina as a sacred area and to treat it with love and respect. With a yoni massage, the woman can activate her womb along with other pleasure points and focus entirely on the sensations.  The yoni massage not only has a relaxing effect, but is also a spiritual experience. Increased orgasm is also said to be possible thanks to Yoni Massage.

Yoni Massage: More than sex

In the Neo Tantra, it is said that the female sexual energy is the deepest source of a woman's vitality and zest for life. A Yoni Massage awakens the female womb to new life: Many women are not (anymore) connected to their womb, their feminine power. Thus, these women no longer feel what they really want and need during sex and in their relationships. However, our femininity wants to be perceived and blossom in all its aspects. A woman whose womb and femininity has awakened is radiant. She feels content and confident. She is deeply connected with life, the source of all being. Sounds a bit spiritual now, but you are curious? Then let's get started!

Vorbereitungen Yoni Massage

Preparations for the Yoni Massage:

A Yoni massage involves the entire body, but especially the genital area of the woman. It stimulates the lips of Venus, vagina and G-spot. How exactly, we explain to you, after the most important preliminary tips:

1. Bring plenty of time

Take enough time for the Yoni Massage: Before the massage there should be enough time to arrive and relax. After the massage, there should also be enough time to fully integrate the experience. About two hours is recommended. Avoid heavy food and sex a few hours before the massage.

2. Makes it damp and warm

It can't be moist enough! So get some skin-friendly massage oil. Heat the room to a nice warm temperature. The point is that the recipient can really let herself go completely and relax. This only works if she's not cold.


Bio Gleitmittel


3. Create a cozy ambience

Create a cozy ambience (e.g. with candles, essential oils, pillows and sensual relaxing music). You can also listen to the playlist that was created exclusively for our Yoni Massage Date Night.

4. Start Slowly

Before the massage is dedicated to the yoni, start with a full body massage. See that you relax from the stress of the day. Your partner can stroke your arms and legs, neck, back, feet - everything that makes you fall is right.

5. Feel the connection

He can then move his hands then very slowly from your breasts, over your belly and hips to your vulva. Then he puts one hand on her heart and one hand on your vulva. Linger like this for a few moments. Feel your heartbeat, your breath, the energy of your body. Feel your connection.

6. Delay the orgasm

The goal of a yoni massage is not an orgasm. So rather than working towards an orgasm, delay it. When you are close to climaxing, change your massage technique and move on to other parts of your body.

Yoni Massage Technik

Instructions for the Yoni Massage for your partner

When you are visibly, audibly and tangibly aroused, you can give your partner a sign that he can venture inside the yoni. But that doesn't mean just fingering away happily, no. Yoni massage is all about the woman. Demanding movements or cheering comments are out of place here. Give yourselves the time and space to surrender. And then enjoy together what comes.

Let him take some oil and gently massage your vulva lips and start stroking first with the whole palm over the vulva from top to bottom. Then he can gently circle your clitoris with one finger.

Veranschaulichung Yoni MassageA special technique is to gently squeeze the vulva lips with your thumb and index finger. In doing so, your partner can work his way up from the bottom, so that in the end he also lightly squeezes the skin around the clitoris. He can also try to push the skin around the clitoral pearl back and forth.
When you feel your pleasure rising, your partner can insert his middle or index finger into your vagina and then massage your vagina from the inside with light pressure. If you have a talented partner, he can also massage your G-zone and G-spot at the same time.

The End of Yoni Massage

Your partner should vary the pressure and speed and always get feedback from you. The most important thing in yoni massage is to trust your natural flow of movements and, of course, to vary the techniques so that your entire vaginal area is stimulated.

When you feel that you are already very close to orgasm, push your pelvis way up and try to breathe deeply and regularly. This way you can even experience multiple orgasms through the yoni massage.
Yoni Massage Vorteile

This is why you should try the Yoni Massage

The real purpose of Yoni massage is to make the woman feel that her needs are valuable, that her body is beautiful and unique, and that your partner is still curious about you. Unfortunately, many women have a problem with their vagina, can not accept it as it is, smells, looks. This makes the intro to yoni massage all the more important, which is designed to help you relax completely. It could happen that during the massage you want to get up again and again, to speed up the massage because you think it takes too long. That you should deliver instead of enjoy is an unfortunately common mindset among women.

You may even want to end the massage because you are uncomfortable with your partner touching you so directly and looking at you in your pleasure. Probably, in this case, your partner talks to you well, tells you how much he enjoys it and that he feels very close to you right now. Maybe this will help you to accept this gift. If the bad feeling remains, just cuddle up together under the covers.

Yoni Massage Tantra

3. Benefits of Yoni Massage for you and your relationship

All good things come in threes! Finally, we have summarized three benefits that have a Yoni Massage for you and your relationship.

1. The intimacy as a couple is strengthened

During the yoni massage you both take a lot of time for each other. This can have a positive effect on your relationship outside the bedroom. Maybe after the Yoni Massage you will be more tender with each other. You have strengthened your communication and your partner also understands better what you like in bed.

2. Yoni massage as orgasm training

Yoni massage helps you get to know your own body much better, because you spend hours on it. You discover erogenous zones and learn how you can let yourself go completely. During the next 'normal' lovemaking it will surely be easier for you to have an orgasm.

3. Healing effect

Yoni massage is not only an erotic experience for you and your partner, it can also make you feel better physically and mentally. Thus, the Yoni Massage can relieve tension or blockages or even menstrual problems.


Tantra Massage Yoni Massage

Fancy trying a Yoni Massage for yourself?

Detailed instructions for the Yoni Massage with graphics as well as audio file, which guides you live through the Yoni Massage, can be found in our Date Guide Yoni Massage. The audio can be listened to comfortably via headphones while the recipient enjoys - a unique experience! In our Date Box you will find the matching accessories & toys for an unforgettable tantric yoni and lingam massage.

You are curious and want to surprise your partner with a lingam massage, the tantric penis massage? This article has everything you need to know about lingam massage.

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