Lingam massage basics
With the erotic Lingam massage, men can experience their genital area in a new way and increase sensitivity. If you've never heard of lingam massage, a special erotic tantric massage for the penis, don't worry: you're probably not alone. We'll tell you what Lingam means, what this erotic tantric penis massage is all about, and how it works.
What is the Lingam Massage about?
Often the Lingam massage is considered a form of erotic massage, however, it is primarily NOT about sexual satisfaction. There are many erotic massages, for example, massages with a happy ending, orgasmic massages, or the Yoni massage - a Tantra massage that relieves tension in the vulva and sensitizes the vulva to touch.
The goal of Tantra massage for men has controlled sexuality through the application of special massage movements in the male genital area. However, it is about more than achieving orgasm. Therefore, it is not necessary to have an erect penis during the massage!
Lingam massage is more about being present to feel, increasing sensation, as well as strengthening the intimacy between you as a couple. Lingam massage is about very gentle, energizing, and sensual massage touches that get the man's sexual energy flowing. It also trains the man not to come so quickly despite strong stimulation, and thus his ability for full body and multiple orgasms!
A lingam massage can be very healing, but possibly uncomfortable at first as tensions release. Just like a regular massage. Use your breath consciously. Especially as the recipient of the lingam massage, you can better control your arousal through deep abdominal breathing. So the lingam massage is more of a testing of senses and energies and provides a deep trust and a special intimacy between the partners. Sounds good?
What does Lingam mean?
Lingam is a term from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit and describes the male genitals. It is sometimes translated as "sign" or "symbol", sometimes as "radiant", "phallus" or "penis". The lingam is worshipped as the creative as well as the destructive power of the god Shiva. Shiva in turn is one of the main gods in Hinduism and stands for the creation and new beginnings, but also preservation and destruction. We are expanding here because it would be too simplistic to use lingam as a term for penis. Indian symbolism is an important factor here.
Symbolism of the Shiva Lingam
The Shiva Lingam is one of the oldest Sanskrit representations of the divine that each of us carries within us. Shiva Lingam unites the male and female principle. The male principle represents consciousness, and the female represents energy. In the Shiva Lingam, these two poles are represented by an oval, vertical stone and a horizontal setting in which this stone stands. The oval, vertical stone symbolizes the all-pervading consciousness, the horizontal one the dynamic energy.
Lingam Massage: More than just sex
The symbols intertwining are often seen as a symbol of the union of man and woman. However, this is about more than purely sexual act. Rather, the lingam massage is about the use of sexual energy. So to see the lingam massage as a better handjob would not really be what it is all about.

Preparations for the Lingam Massage
A lingam massage involves the entire body, but especially the genital area of the man. The penis, testicles, anus, and prostate are stimulated. How exactly, we explain to you, after the most important preliminary tips:
1. Brings a lot of time
Take enough time for the Lingam massage: before the massage, there should be enough time to arrive and relax. After the massage, there should also be enough time to fully integrate the experience. About two hours is recommended. Avoid heavy food and sex a few hours before the massage.
2. Make it moist and warm
It can not be wet enough! So get skin-friendly massage oil in organic quality and preferably also lubricant. Heat the room to a nice warm temperature. The point is that the recipient can really let go completely and relax. This is only possible if he is not cold.
3. Create a cozy ambience
Create a cozy atmosphere (e.g. with candles, essential oils, pillows and sensual relaxing music). You can also listen to the playlist that was created exclusively for our Lingam Massage Date Night.

4. Start Slooowly
Before you devote yourself to his best piece, start the lingam massage with an upper body massage. See that he relaxes from the stress of the day. You can stroke his arms and legs, neck, back, feet - anything that will make him let go is right.
5. Feel the connection
Then slowly make your way down over his belly, to his hips and thighs. Start by massaging his groin and inner thighs. Ask your partner if you can touch his penis. Put one hand on his heart and one hand on his penis. Stay like this for a few moments. Feel his heartbeat, his breath, the energy of his body. Feel your connection.
6. Delay the orgasm
The goal of a lingam massage is not an orgasm. So rather than working towards an orgasm, delay it. When your partner is close to climax, change your massage technique and move on to other parts of the body. Nice side effect: as if by accident, he learns to delay the orgasm.
The main techniques for lingam massage
When you have stimulated the areas around the penis and your partner clearly wants more, move on to the penis shaft. Variety is the key here:
- Change the grip from firm to soft.
- Change the stroking movements between a straight up and down and a twisting motion.
- Change from one hand to two hands. If you use only one hand, alternate between the right and left hand.
- Change speed from slow to fast. Start slow and increase to a faster pace, then slow down again.
- Also, alternate the shaft movements to start from the root of the shaft to the head.
We will show you the main techniques of lingam massage for two hands. The key to lingam massage is to trust your natural flow of movements and of course a variety of techniques.
Awaken the perineum

Take some oil and stroke a few times starting at the bottom of the perineum (between testicles and anus) with a flat hand over his testicles and penis upwards. Use firm pressure and at the same time a slow but determined rhythm.
Corkscrew technique
This technique involves massaging the glans with one hand in circular, screwing motions, as if you were unscrewing a bottle. The other hand grips the testicles and massages them in the same rhythm.
Lingam acupuncture
One technique of lingam massage is lingam acupuncture. You press the penis lightly on the outer sides with your fingers. Start at the bottom of the shaft and work your way up to the glans like on a ladder. Use the thumb and index finger of the right and left hand alternately. After the outer sides, also work on the front and back of the penis. This massage technique stimulates the erectile tissue.
The cross country skier

Take his penis in one hand and stroke with the other flat hand now starting at the tip of his penis over the shaft and testicles downwards.
Hello Frenulum
The frenulum, the penile frenulum on the underside of the glans, is a particularly erogenous zone in men. To activate it, place one hand around the shaft of the penis, close to the root. With the index finger of the other hand, stimulate the frenulum in circular, gentle movements.
Up and down - Qui of the Lingam
With this technique, you put both hands around his penis and then drive the shaft up and down in smooth movements. Lubricant is your friend here! This helps you to keep the movement smooth. While doing this, make slight circular movements with your hands. This movement is very stimulating - but again, the point is not to make him come, but to delay the orgasm.
Fancy trying a lingam massage for yourself?
A detailed guide to the lingam massage with graphics as well as an audio file that guides you live through the lingam massage can be found in our OH MY! FANTASY Date Guide. The audio can be listened to comfortably via headphones while the recipient enjoys - a unique experience! In our Date Box, you will find the matching accessories & toys for an unforgettable tantric yoni and lingam massage.
Curious and want to learn more about Yoni Massage too? This article has everything you need to know about the Yoni Massage.