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Erotische Rollenspiele: Tipps zur Vorbereitung und 13 heiße Rollenspiel-Ideen OH MY! FANTASY

Erotic role-playing games: tips for preparation and 13 hot role-playing ideas

Role-playing is an enriching diversion to sex life, especially when a little routine creeps into the bedroom. The thrill of slipping into a new role in sex can lead to unexpected climaxes. Here you will find  5 tips on how to prepare for a role-playing game and  13 ideas for beginners and advanced players on how you can possibly have the best sex of your life with erotic role-playing games!

Erotisches Rollenspiel mit Maske

A hot role play brings variety to the sex life

Some might raise an eyebrow and look skeptical, but role-playing has some distinct advantages when it comes to breaking up a bedroom routine.

Erotic role-playing games are initially very simple in principle. Just get into the role you've always wanted to play, whether it's a cop, a boss, or maybe even a slave. Embark on the experiment and explore your new reality within the role: what privileges, responsibilities, boundaries, etc. do you have?

Within the role-playing game, everything is allowed that is okay for both partners, including dynamics or scenarios that are taboo in real life. Especially when it comes to escaping the routine in the bedroom, you can also expand your comfort zone, discover secret fantasies and put your imagination into action. interest aroused? Then read on and find out everything about role-playing games from us.

Drei Venezianische Masken
Erotic role-playing games: 5 tips for preparation

1st tip: Talk about it beforehand

The good thing about roleplaying is that it can be for vanillas as well as experienced and less experienced kinksters because how you shape your play is entirely up to you. You don't have to be into BDSM or bondage to have a good time or play. The only important thing is that you talk beforehand about what is okay for you and what is not. It's a world of difference whether you only address your partner as daddy, or whether he completely immerses himself in this role, with everything that belongs to a father figure.

Develop a scenario or setting for your game to take place that you are both comfortable with and that no one is uncomfortable with. As is generally the case with all topics relating to sexuality and intimacy, communication is key here too . So it's not a good idea to jump out of the closet in a pirate outfit and yell "walk my plank!" and expect your partner to jump right on board.

So, before diving into your fantasy world together, be open about it, make a plan, and make sure you both act in consensus.

Tip 2: It's okay to laugh

Anyone who might be thinking: I have childhood flashbacks might not be so wrong after all. We have all played role-playing games as children. We were and could be anything limited only by our imagination or imagination. We've been parents, racers, stars, and celebrities - the list is endless. And quite naturally and proudly we then told our parents that we had won a race today or that we had gotten a divorce.

What used to amuse our parents or win them a nostalgic smile, we have somehow lost, buried, or pushed away from us in adulthood today. At some point we should "grow up" and stop with the "children's games", but why shouldn't we simply open the drawer in which our imagination lies and adapt it to our current needs? Everyday life can sometimes be dreary enough, so we can at least allow ourselves some freedom when it comes to sex.

The reason we're telling you this is simply because we know that RPGs can feel a bit silly at first. But just like we used to have fun and laughed, we can still do it today. You may feel weird at first and don't know what to say or do, but that's not bad at all. Don't judge yourself! Help each other explore each other's fantasies, and if someone has a giggle, take it with humor.

Laugh with each other and not at each other, because laughter naturally leads to well-being and happiness, which is what everyone in the bedroom wants!

Rollenspiel Theater Vorhang Bühne
Tip 3: Goal-oriented play

When we talk about imagining scenarios or situations, we mean, among other things, that you should think about what you want to achieve with it. If you have a goal in mind, the role-playing game can be all the more intense and fun. For example, if you want to add some variety to a long-term relationship, just try changing the power dynamics. If you are usually the dominant part in the bedroom, then allow your partner to take on this role and vice versa. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes can be a really exciting experience.

And if you notice that the submissive role isn't for you at all, that's okay, because there are many types of dominance and subservience that can be lived out in completely different ways. An innocent college student begging his teacher for better grades has very different boundaries and limits than a slave.

If you are in the process of getting to know your partner instead, you can get to know each other even more intensively through role play. Switch back and forth on both your roles and the scenarios and see how you both react or like it.

If you feel comfortable with a role-playing game, there is nothing standing in the way of more daring scenarios. Maybe you want to try bondage or BDSM? If both agree - do it! Just keep in mind that your reason for roleplaying can influence your approach and execution. So pay attention to your goals when you embark on them.

Tip 4: Erotic roleplay is a spectrum

Maybe some of you have always had the question in the back of your mind about how to do an RPG right or what you do when you do something wrong. However, we can tell you that you are in luck! There is no right or wrong in role-playing. A role-playing game always has different levels of play. That was exactly the reason why we already mentioned that it can also be something for vanilla or less kinky people.

It can be so straightforward that you just have to give each other different names or titles and maybe change into outfits to get you in the mood. There is no rule book and no one says that you have to spend your first role-playing game as a princess and a dragon.

So you have an endless repertoire of possibilities. Costumes, props, locations, maybe even musical accompaniment, stage you and your role-playing game in such a way that you are happy and comfortable with it. You might even want to film the whole thing, that's perfectly fine too.

If you want to try something more advanced, expand the piece - beyond the bedroom. Begin the role play on another day, maybe as early as the morning when you first wake up. Stay in character and text each other dirty-hot throughout the day. Maybe you go out to dinner or for a walk together and use your roleplaying characters in public to add an exhibitionist touch to the game. Then, when you go home, you can pull out all the stops and get completely lost in your fantasies.

Tip 5: There are no limits to your imagination

A perfect starting point for all couples looking for their first role-play experience is our Intro Date Box Active-Passive Role Play. This sensual and seductive date box deepens communication between partners and brings a new dynamic to your love life. 

But maybe you still don't have a proper idea of ​​what an RPG can be. We will then present you with some hot ideas that you are welcome to use as templates or as inspiration. From classic to kinky, there is definitely something for everyone.

13 ideas for erotic roleplaying games

Now enough with the theory, it can go into implementation, and the fantasy can be implemented with a long-term partner or in a very new relationship. We give you 10 classic RPG ideas and 3 ideas for advanced RPGs:

Doktor Rollenspiele
Role play  idea 1: doctor games

Definitely one of the classics. In such a role play, one of the two partners takes on the role of the doctor and the other is the patient or the doctor’s assistant. So far very easy. Which scenario you come up with is entirely up to you. Maybe you can't pay for your treatment with your doctor, or he or she is trying a new experimental treatment on you. What do you think happens when you suddenly find yourself tied to a hospital bed? 

At first, it sounds as if the patient is the submissive part, he/she can, but doesn't have to. Maybe you can't find that one painful spot and have to ask your doctor to examine  you thoroughly.

However, if you need any props, such as needles, saline, etc., please be careful with them. As a layperson, you can do a lot wrong and possibly really hurt the other person. In addition, the patient should not be put under "narcosis" or other intoxicating substances.

Dienstmädchen und Meister Rollenspiel
Idea 2: The master and his maid

Another perennial favorite when it comes to role-playing games. The grumpy master of the house uses his poor maid as he pleases. Aside from the fact that you're welcome to swap gender roles here, you could also change the power dynamic. Instead of the householder using his maid, she could try to seduce her master. Sounds like an interesting idea? Then take a look at our maid date box. 

For example, this is also one of those role-playing games that you could play all day long and don't just have to stay in the bedroom.

Zwei Fremde in der Bar Rollenspiel
Role play  idea 3: Two strangers in the bar

Sometimes it's easy to strike up a conversation:  "May I buy you a drink?"  - This is how an RPG begins in a bar you've never been to, where no one knows you.  This role-playing game is about spontaneously imagining new personalities and their stories.  "Oh yes, yes, of course. Whiskey for me , please" could be your answer. This may surprise your stranger partner because you usually order a gin at a bar.

Engage the other person in conversation and get to know the other person. With a new name, age, occupation, and background,  you mix your new you with desires and dreams. Find each other, flirt, and decide whether you are difficult to get hold of or whether it is easy to get to know you. Are you pretending to be a hairstylist next door or a pilot with a jet-set lifestyle? Your imagination knows no boundaries.

Rollenspiel Idee
Roleplay Idea 4: Porn Star 

It doesn't matter whether it's an erotic film or mainstream porn: almost everyone has seen a little film in which sex is the main plot. Why not reenact the scene yourself? There is a great appeal in watching yourself having sex. 

But how to start? It's best to start by having sex in front of a large mirror. Watching each other doggy style is super arousing, and if that leaves you wanting more, you can take it to the next step and film your lovemaking with a camera. You can play yourself or transform yourself into other actors with masks, make-up, and costumes. Let your imagination run wild!

Porno Star und Stripperin Rollenspiel sexy
Role play  idea 5: stripper and visitor

Scenes of lolling women in front of gentlemen waving banknotes appear before the inner eye. But anyone who thinks that the stripper is subordinate and dependent on the pleasure of the paying man is completely wrong. On the contrary: In this role-playing game, the stripper has the active role, because she decides all by herself where the limit is and literally pulls the "strings". It's entirely up to you whether you really want to slip banknotes in the role-playing game, or whether you'd rather push something else between your legs...

To prepare for this role-playing game, you can get inspiration, for example by attending a strip class or going to a table-dance bar together. Your outfit is completed with seductive lingerie and sexy high heels. 

Massage und Kunde beim Sex
Role play  idea 6: masseur and customer 

Nothing beats a good massage! The heavenly feeling of surrendering to the touch of the masseur lying naked, oiled by candlelight and relaxing music?  This full-body massage scenario literally calls for sizzling eroticism.

In the role play, you are the last customer for the day in the massage studio. You will be welcomed, you will be helped to undress, and slowly every millimeter of your body will be oiled. Not only will your back be massaged, but your breasts, your buttocks, and every erogenous zone will be touched as you happen to ... a massage with a happy ending awaits you! 

Polizist und Hilfesuchende
Role play  idea 7: Fire brigade/police and those seeking help

Many people become weak at the sight of uniforms, and the most diverse erotic fantasies are triggered: for some, this is their own arrest, for others, rescue from a difficult situation. Whatever your fantasy, this RPG can be played with either gender in any role!

Maybe you're the assertive cop putting a bad boy in his place? Or would you prefer the person seeking help who is rescued by a trusting firefighter? A look into the carnival outfit in the closet might do the rest, otherwise, there is also a wide selection of costumes in our shop that are guaranteed to be worth the investment...

Rollenspiel Teacher Student
Role play idea 8: Professor and students

Another form of ageplay is the dynamic between teacher and student.  The teacher naturally has a particularly large influence on his/her students. This role-playing game is about the superior position that a person has over you. The dominant and at the same time understanding is very charming.

Have you always wanted to know what it's like to seduce someone you respect or have a forbidden relationship with a student? With this role-playing game, you can find out. Let them lecture you, teach you something, or reprimand you. Maybe you'll be nibbled on the desk or seduced at the blackboard. Let your head cinema run free!

This game works both ways. A popular variation is the boss and secretary game. Interesting Fact: Surveys have shown that the role of female leadership is one of the most common sex fantasies men have.

Betrüger und der andere
Idea 9: The other and the cheater

Is it actually cheating to think about someone else during sex? As long as you stay true to reality, it's only a fantasy - and this role-playing game is played with that kick!

Think about which fantasy you want to live out with the role play in the "cheater" role: is it a celebrity, a work colleague, or a couple of friends...? Be aware that admitting a real fantasy may also lead to real jealousy. Intuition and the right communication are important here so that no misunderstandings arise. 

Then the fantasy can be brought to life in role-play: "My wife is not here... you can do whatever you want with me" or "My husband won't be back for an hour" - this is how the sex adventure begins, that you can discover new sides of each other. And when you realize it was just a fantasy and you're in your sweetheart's arms, you might want to enjoy another round of ecstatic sex.

Der andere und der Betrüger
Idea 10: Ageplay with Daddy-Dom and Little

The Ageplay is already a bit more daring than the first two examples and definitely a very versatile and wide-ranging role-playing game. Ageplay is about putting yourself in a different age. Of course, you can feel yourself in the role of an older man or an older woman or you simply become a child again. It is important that you feel comfortable.

In fact, one of the quintessential examples of ageplay is the relationship between Daddy-Dom and Little. Little or Little girls are women who behave like children during the role-play period. How old they are at this point is up to them. If these women are in the so-called Little Space, they can also play with children's toys, be washed by their partners, etc. 

In this respect, Daddy-Dom has a particularly high level of responsibility for his little ones. He cares for her and cares for her. At the same time, Daddy sets rules that Little has to follow. If she doesn't do this, the daddy also has the right to punish her. 

This form of ageplay is one in which trust counts more than usual. Little makes herself extremely vulnerable and therefore has to be able to rely on her daddy. Sexual intercourse is not even a mandatory goal here. Role-play can also be used simply as relaxation and stress minimization. Of course, it also works with swapped gender roles. Of course, you can also do the whole thing in a weaker form and maybe just address each other as daddy and baby, for example.

Fortgeschrittene Rollenspiel Ideen
3 advanced kinky roleplay ideas

Last but not least, here are 3 kinky ideas for advanced roleplaying games. Let yourself be inspired and let your imagination run wild!

Advanced Idea 1: Master & Slave or also Master & Pet

Some of you have probably already heard of this type of role-playing game. It's about the Master or Mistress and his/her toys

The master or mistress has the dominant role in this role-playing game. Here it is all about exercising power and disciplining the submissive part. Unlike the previous examples, the power dynamics cannot simply be changed here because the master or mistress has a firm hand and therefore control. 

The slave or pet has to obey his/her master/mistress. Here, too, the dominant part is allowed to carry out punishments for disciplining if the submissive part does not follow the rules (all of course only within an agreed framework). What kind of pet you want to be is up to you, what rules you set up, or whether you want to use props in the form of leashes, collars, or whatever. 

Again, gender ratios don't play a role at all. It doesn't matter if you're a bad dog or a bad bitch. However, it is important to mention that the slave or pet is still a human being and therefore has dignity. Don't overdo it and if you notice your partner is at his/her limit, stop. Safewords are particularly important here and also your best friend. If you want to try this type of role-playing game, a long and detailed discussion in advance is very important in order to precisely define the scope and boundaries of the action.

Advanced  Idea 2: Primal Play

The so-called Primal Play is no longer for the faint-hearted. The idea of ​​Primal Play is to let your instincts and emotions run free. As a result, this type of game can get a bit brutal at times. Scratching, biting, growling - everything is allowed or even desired. The two roles in Primal Play are Prey and Predator. As you might be able to guess by now, the predator is all about successfully capturing and subduing his/her prey. The prey does not have to put up with this and can and should defend itself. It is therefore not surprising that the injuries after such a session can be numerous. 

Make sure to patch each other up and maybe find a space where no one can accidentally hurt themselves seriously. Maybe try out beforehand how it feels for you when you hear your partner growl. Do you get heart palpitations when you're pinned to the ground and can't move? Do you think that's good or bad? 

Many who have tried Primal Play recommend it as a good outlet for normal emotions. Because you don't have to hold yourself back and you can just push away things that require too much thought because only the moment counts. 

Again, talk about it beforehand, take precautions, and figure out whether you like being the hunter or the hunted.

Advanced  Idea 3: Rape Play

For our last example, we want to issue a trigger warning beforehand, since it's about rape.

The so-called Rape Play is a role-playing game in which rape is played. This game is carried out with the help of a so-called meta-consensus. In English, the abbreviation CNC ( consensual non-consent ) is used for this. So it's about an avoidably nonconsensual scene. The dominant part, therefore, acts as if he/she would rape his/her partner. But the whole thing has been agreed upon in advance and the limits have been set. 

Whether you want to use props or toys in this type of game is up to you. However, keep in mind that it is a very sensitive subject that requires a careful approach. Sometimes you cannot know what experiences the other has had. So if you have rape fantasies, where your partner attacks you as an avoidable stranger or vice versa, please talk about it in detail beforehand. It could otherwise be that you could really traumatize the other.

Rollenspiele venezianische Maske
Conclusion: Erotic role-playing games add momentum to sex life

We hope you have read this far and got a good insight into the topic of erotic roleplaying and its versatility. You can - always in consultation with your counterpart - try out whatever you want. We hope we've given you some inspiration on how to effectively break your bedroom routine.

Do you want to learn more about role-playing games? Our Erotic Role Playing Date Guide gives you a detailed introduction to playing the other role. You can expect  exercises on how to prepare yourself in advance for a date night with a role-play scenario and tips for the mindset. Guaranteed to make you want more...



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