Domina: Eine Anleitung für weibliche Dominanz OH MY! FANTASY

Domina: A Guide to Female Dominance

Dominant women exert a strong fascination - with both sexes. Perhaps you are one of the many women who are attracted to the dominant role. FemDom - short for Female Dominance, i.e. female dominance - is usually mentioned in the context of BDSM and bondage. As a dominatrix, women attend to the need for submission. In this article, practicing dominatrix Nika Macht gives tips and inspiration for getting started with the game of female dominance.

Domina Rot licht Anleitung

Are women more dominant or submissive?

If we look at it very pragmatically, the dominant role is fundamentally alien to us women. Evolutionarily, the male made the fire, provided for reproduction, hunted, and cared for us while we tended the hut/cave and cared for the children. One thing that's often forgotten, however, was the dynamic between the women.

In the old days, there were no huts and the women were together every day, cooking together, disassembling dead animals, or weaving baskets. Of course, that's nowhere near as extreme these days (although it's still the case in a different form, especially in southern cultures), but the very patriarchal mindset is still within us, and we're often reminded that it is too please stay like this. Thankfully, in most countries around the world, it's softening as progressive feminists fight for their rights.

Dominante Ader Femdom Spiel
Men discover their submissive streak

Subliminally it goes even further: More and more men are discovering their submissive streak, want to be able to let go, and are happy when they don't have to decide. At this point, two worlds collide: on the one hand, the woman's ignorance of how she should appear and act in a dominant manner. On the other hand, the understanding is that there are men who actually want to be dominated - both physically and psychologically.

Some still have to get used to the new, modern understanding of masculinity. For female dominance over men, there is first the physical component. This is difficult for many people in principle, because "you don't hit other people." The second, psychological component of female dominance is not necessarily easier to understand: because "what kind of man is that who likes pussy or something like that? want to be named?” But our society is on the right track and there is absolutely no shame in wanting to act out your female dominance. There are rules and clearly defined do's and don'ts. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of shame and insecurity about living out one's own dominant side as a woman!

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Uncertainty in dealing with female dominance

Maybe I'm a bit extreme, but during my time as a dominatrix, I've subtly recognized more and more clearly the power that prevails among women. Many women come to me for coaching with the words:

"I feel there's something dominant inside me, but I can't grasp it."

Why am I telling you this sentence?

To tell you that you are not alone in your possible doubts. As mentioned at the beginning, it is simply human that you may be a little overwhelmed with the task. You feel that the attraction is there, but the implementation is still so difficult. It was not for nothing that we sat together in the cave back then. Who knows, maybe our ancestors didn't just talk about how best to use berries - maybe they realized back then that together they can achieve a lot, even if each has to go their own way.

Peitsche, BDSM, Domina, Fetisch, Sex

FemDom: A journey of discovery begins

Maybe it will help you that I am convinced that you will discover your dominatrix in you. I also discovered them in myself and developed my very own way of letting them come to the fore. I invite you with me to go your way - if you get involved, everything else will come about. And now come on in and treat yourself to your royal appearance.


Domina mit Peitsche für FemDom Spiel
Tips and tricks for female dominance

You have already taken the first step, you want to learn more about your dominance and include it in your lovemaking. So relax, we know how to help you. First the basics: Being a dominatrix has more to do with you than just swinging a whip, it's in your walk, your posture, and your demeanor.

And especially in times when we might want to take away our femininity or unsettle ourselves, it is good to know that we have a feminine-dominant side that guides us and helps us to live out our fem-dom fantasies.

When we think of dominatrices, images of women in short leather skirts with red lips and severe hairstyles often spring to mind. Which clothes you feel dominant in should only be part of the act, clichés, and no longer be limited. 

Have you become curious to live out your dominant streak? 

These tips are a first start to bring you closer to the mindset of a dominatrix. But we don't want to tell you too much here, because the experience is really super individual. If you would like to get to know your dominant side better, we can  recommend our Domina Date Box.


The Domina Date Box contains detailed instructions from Domina Nika Macht with tips on preparation, mindset, and a detailed storyline for the date night with precise instructions on what to do and say. We hope that this guide will take away your insecurity for your first dominatrix experience and that you will start the FemDom game full of self-confidence. The guide is available as a digital product or in the Domina Date Box with the appropriate erotic accessories and toys. Let your dominant streak run wild!

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