Selbstliebe: Anleitung für eine sexy Brustmassage OH MY! FANTASY

Self Love: Tips for a soothing breast massage

Whether small, large, sagging, firm, lopsided or hairy: your breasts deserve love. An erotic breast massage lets you further discover your female body, helps you relax and strengthen your self-love. Here you'll get instructions for a sexy breast massage for women with hot moves on how to massage your breasts. Your breasts will love it!

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A good reason for a breast massage: self-love and self-confidence

A hot breast massage for yourself is the purest self-love ritual: the touches of your breasts are a boon to developing more body awareness. You give yourself and your breasts your full attention at the moment of the massage. In doing so, you feel into your body and strengthen the connection between body and mind. Thus, breast massage is also a mindfulness exercise.

You may feel uncomfortable touching your breasts at first: We often neglect our breasts and put them in a bra all day (or not: Free the Nipple!). But with the right atmosphere and relaxation, you'll enjoy it. And the result of the simple exercise is a pleasant feeling of "Hey, I'm beautiful".

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Breast massage for happiness and self-confidence

You know that warm, fuzzy feeling after good sex? This feeling is associated with the happiness hormone oxytocin. You feel relaxed and calm, somehow protected and trusting in yourself and the world. Masses of oxytocin are also released during breast massage. This not only feels good, but is also good for your health! So hello breasts, hello feelings of happiness!

Note: Breasts respond differently to touch at different stages of the cycle. If you are just at the end of your cycle and your breasts are tense or sore, better postpone the breast massage to another time. Breasts are usually more receptive to touch after your period. 

Here are our step by step instructions for an erotic breast massage

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Before you get started, create the right ambiance for a hot, relaxing breast massage:

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  • Ensure a cozy warm temperature and put on relaxing music.
  • Put a towel underneath so that the oil does not drip on the floor.
  • Have a large bath towel or bathrobe ready to snuggle up in after the massage.
  • You can either sit or lie down during the massage.

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Erotic breast massage instruction

  • Breast Massage Intro: To begin the breast massage, spread warm massage oil all over your chest. Gently stroke the entire chest area with the palm of your hand.
  • Warming up the breasts: start massaging your collarbone and chest in tiny circles - sometimes with the tip of your finger, sometimes with your entire hand. You can also tap on it as if a small rain shower is dripping down your chest.
  • Breast Awakening: Squeeze your breasts a little, with your palms on your nipples. You can run patterns around your breasts, draw circles around your nipples, gently shake your breasts, gently press your fingertips into your breasts, or circle your breasts with small circular motions with the pads of your fingers
  • Pay attention to your nipples: place the center of your palms on your nipples and touch them directly. Hold this for a few moments. Breathe deeply into your heart, listening to your body.

Brustmassage Nippel Aufmerksamkeit
  • Nipple twists: Starting from the nipple, move the right hand clockwise while the left-hand moves counterclockwise. The fingertips meet in the middle. Repeat this exercise as long as it feels good to you.
  • Breast massage sideways: Now move your hands to the sides of your breasts. Then move your palms from the side back to the center. Again, your fingertips meet in the center. It is a gentle movement, without squeezing. Move the tip of your fingers (not your thumb) across your chest and close the entire circle. Start again with your palm from side to center and repeat a few times, as many times as feels good to you. After a few rounds, you can change direction.
  • Kneading: Squeeze and knead your breasts as hard as feels good to you. Afterward, shake them out and let them dance!
  • Finish: Hold your breasts one last time and breathe deeply in and out. Thank them lovingly for being with you. Then thank yourself for taking the time to give yourself love.

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Take time for your breasts regularly

A breast massage is a blessing and beautiful - really take your time with the massage and enjoy the touch! With these tips and hot handles, you can create your own self-love ritual. Of course, the massage can then continue to other parts of the body.



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