Oral Sex: 7 oral sex tips for unforgettable cunnilingus
Licking the vulva, oral pleasure or cunnilingus: oral sex for women has many names and is one of the most beautiful sex practices ever. But licking properly is anything but easy: this ultimate guide contains 7 tips that guarantee a breathtaking, unforgettable cunnilingus.
Oral sex: One of the most beautiful sex practices ever!
It is the tingling mixture of pampering and being pampered that makes oral sex so incredibly intimate, exciting and pleasurable. But the right technique for giving cunnilingus is one thing, being able to fully surrender as a woman and not have any disturbing thoughts is another.
When licking a vulva or receiving cunnilingus, bring an open mindset full of curiosity and allow yourselves to explore together. As always, when it comes to partnership and sex, there is no such thing as too much communication! Asking questions like "Do you like that?" or "Is that good?" are important and will help you understand what your partner is into when it comes to oral sex.
Important: Many find it difficult either to give oral sex or to be able to surrender while receiving it. Be honest with each other, feel your way slowly and try to find out together how you can actively and passively have fun and enjoy!
Enjoy cunnilingus: The right preparation
Before moving on to the techniques that make for unforgettable cunnilingus, we have a few tips for the recipient to prepare in advance.
Self-love as a basis in cunnilingus
Many women have difficulties accepting their vulva as it is. This starts with the fact that many stop taking a closer look at themselves "down below" at a young age and are very critical of the whole thing, also due to various media influences - always ready to optimize and beautify themselves further. So in times when even our most intimate areas are being optimized with vulva lip reduction and vaginal bleaching, it's not so easy to like the vulva. However, women often impose these supposed optimizations on themselves - time to take a loving look at the image of your own intimate zone! This also makes it easier for you to then let yourself go completely during oral sex.
Because the truth is: In the heat of the moment, your partner will only care if you enjoy licking and have fun doing it. Every intimate zone is as individual as you are, and just as intended as it looks! We can't stress it enough, but self-love is the be-all and end-all of liberated sexuality.
How clean does the vagina need to be for oral sex?
Proper cleaning before cunnilingus is a myth for many - but don't worry, it doesn't require clinical cleaning! Because the vagina, unlike the penis, is built to be completely self-cleaning. Aids such as wet wipes, creams or sprays wipe away the mucous membranes and make the vagina more susceptible to bacteria and fungi.
Our tip: Just use clear water or a slightly damp cloth and wipe the vagina once - and you're ready for cunnilingus!
Licking properly: These 5 erogenous pleasure zones want to be pampered during cunnilingus
Cunnilingus (Latin for "licking the vulva") involves pampering the external female sexual organs. That actually says it all, because with the clitoris alone it is not yet done! The female body has many more erogenous zones that want to be pampered during cunnilingus and can awaken intense feelings of pleasure during oral sex:
1. The clitoris
The it girl of female eroticism! This is what most people think of when they think of licking. Remember, the clitoris is ultra sensitive and every woman has a different clitoral sensitivity. Some prefer strong squeezing, others rather gentle stroking or indirect caresses..
2. The inside of the thighs
But with the clitoris alone it is not yet done! Best of all the cunnilingus does not start directly "media res", but slowly feels its way forward: To work its way forward with licking, stroking and nibbling along the inner side of the thighs to the vagina guarantees a lot of tension and excitement.
3. The vulval lips
After slowly climbing up the thighs, you'll arrive at the vulval lips: Like a kind of funnel at the vaginal entrance, vulval lips have erectile tissues that enlarge during sexual arousal. Even though the vulva lips are often neglected (unfortunately!), they still want to be stroked. So it's worth trying them out!
4. The vaginal opening
The opening of the vagina is also gladly pampered with the mouth. With the tongue you can penetrate a few centimeters into the vagina, because in the entrance area are the particularly erogenous zones.
5. The Dam region
This zone between the vaginal opening and the anus is often not included in cunnilingus - and admittedly, the proximity to the anus is off-putting for some. For the curious, however, it is worth including this zone when licking: This erogenous zone, the perineal region, is highly receptive to oral stimulation and extremely erogenous.
Vulva licking: 7 tips for cunnilingus
Now you already have a good overview of cunnilingus. We have 7 tips ready to make cunnilingus unforgettable.
1. Nothing works without foreplay
A cunnilingus wants to be started warmed up - and even if oral sex is often dismissed as foreplay, it is THE prerequisite for a satisfying cunnilingus that you don't start right away. Women are really aroused after about 24 minutes, while men only need 8 minutes to get going.
Therefore, take the time for extensive foreplay: with gentle kisses, nibbling on the ear, caresses or toys. True wonders work kisses from the nipples to the intimate area - but excluding the vagina! This sensitizes and makes you want more. The erogenous zones also want to be pampered as described above in the course of foreplay. If the tongue then comes to the train, this can act like an orgasm accelerator.
2. Find a comfortable position
Find a position that is as comfortable as possible for both of you. Then, even after 5 minutes, you don't have to worry right away about your partner getting a stiff neck. A comfortable position can be when you lie down on the bed, and your darling spoils you kneeling at the end of the bed. Or you can sit on a chair and have them kneel in front of you. This way you can watch what's happening and your sweetheart has both hands free to pamper you.
3. More is more - communication to orgasm
Mind reading doesn't usually work during sex, so take your climax into your own hands - or mouth ;) Because good communication helps a lot, so you can orgasm the way it feels good for you - or even if you don't orgasm, that you have a good time.
The most effective are actually very precise prompts, like "Faster," "Harder," or "Just like that" - but even moaning or lifting your head to the right place are good signals that you're really enjoying it.
Because only when you are so familiar with each other that the other knows exactly where to stimulate with the tongue, it becomes a full pleasure for both.
4. Fingering allowed during cunnilingus
Even though cunnilingus is an oral satisfaction, you should also include your fingers: Fingering is explicitly allowed! You can let your partner stroke your thighs again and again in between, your back or penetrate your vagina with one or two fingers. If the fingers come into play, use lubricant.
5. Don't forget the dirty talk
Oral sex is satisfaction for both: keep looking deeply into each other's eyes and whisper seductive things in each other's ears - if it feels good to you!
6. ( Cl)It girl of eroticism: The sensitive clitoris
For the extremely sensitive clitoris, tender caresses are a must! Tell your partner how you want to be touched in this special place. A variety in the touches also helps to keep the neck from getting stiff - so it's a pleasant side effect.
7. Cunnilingus techniques
There are endless techniques to lick properly - here we present our two favorites. In general: Start slowly and gently - your partner will pay attention to your reactions anyway, also communicate what you like. The point here is not to work through a rigid sequence of different techniques, but to find out what really gets you hot! With increasing excitement, pressure and speed can be increased.
First cunnilingus technique: False snake
The tongue explores the vulva from top to bottom in serpentine lines. Start at the vaginal opening, over the large and small vulval lips, the clitoris to the mons veneris. The tour can be repeated a few times.
Second cunnilingus technique: To the point
Meanwhile, encourage your partner to also stroke your thighs, and your belly, massage your breasts or lightly pinch your nipples. Allow your creativity to run wild and lead you to an exploding orgasm.
Get pleasure from cunnilingus?
Want to take your oral sex to the next level and enjoy cunnilingus yourself with these tips? In our Date Box Oral Total you'll find inspiration for hot techniques for cunnilingus and fellatio as well as tingling accessories for oral lip services!