Edging: This sex technique promises mega orgasms
Edging is a sex technique that plays with orgasm control and actively delays climax - driving arousal to the extreme through a start-stop game of stimulation. This can be repeated at will. With this simple but effective sex technique, women in particular achieve ecstatic orgasms, alone or in pairs! Because the type of stimulation during edging makes the orgasm more intense and leads to ecstatic climaxes. Men like to use this sex practice to delay ejaculation. How does it work? You can find out here.

What does edging mean?
Edging comes from English and means something like "to go to the extreme". And with that, almost everything is settled, because edging is a technique that takes a break just before the orgasm and thus delays the orgasm. This orgasm control sounds unpleasant at first, but it has its advantages: The start-stop game increases the intensity of the subsequent orgasm to the maximum - and then free ride for an exploding orgasm! Women can even achieve multiple orgasms with this sex technique.

How does edging work?
In general, edging is about increasing arousal until the point of no return is almost reached. This is the point at which the orgasm can no longer be stopped or subsided. When you feel that no further touch is needed and when everything in your body screams: "I'm coming!". The most important thing when edging is to find the point just before it. There the stimulation is stopped until the arousal subsides enough for the whole game to start all over again. This whole process can be repeated 2-3 times or even more!

What are the benefits of edging?
Even if edging at first sounds like an unpleasant variety that delays orgasm, the sex practice has some advantages that are worth seeing. Edging can…
- increase the feeling of pleasure and sensitivity during sex
- increase the quality of orgasm (longer, more intense, and stronger)
- Helping men who ejaculate too soon
- increase sexual stamina
- strengthen the connection with the partner
- opening the way for full-body orgasms

Edging: In 4 phases to orgasm
It is important for Eding to become familiar with your own arousal and to find out the point at which you can still stop. There are four stages that describe the "sexual response cycle" from initial arousal to orgasm.
- Arousal phase
This phase can last from a few minutes to an hour or more. Women get wet, clitoris and vulva lips swell, and nipples get hard. Men get an erection.
- Plateau phase
The level of arousal in the plateau phase is very individual. The woman's genitals continue to widen and/or swell. She gets even wetter. In men, the pleasure drop (pre-ejaculate) is released. The orgasm builds up slowly.
- Orgasm phase with the point of no return
When you reach the point of no return, there is no turning back: then the orgasm takes free rein! In this phase, the desire is greatest. Circulation, heartbeat, blood pressure, and breathing are at their peak here. The orgasm lasts a few seconds on average. However, experienced tantric also report orgasmic episodes lasting several minutes or hours. The muscles in the genital and anal region contract. In men, orgasm and ejaculation usually coincide. Few know that it is also possible for men to separate ejaculation and orgasm - but this requires some practice. Some women squirt (female ejaculation )on the way to orgasm or right when they come. That differs from woman to woman.
Men and women can experience the orgasm phase differently. Apart from the fact that the climax lasts longer in women, the man usually only has one orgasm, the woman can come once, several times in a row, or not at all - or even ejaculate.
- recovery phase
Her blood pressure and breathing return to normal values, perhaps a feeling of tiredness sets in. The genitals swell. The phase now begins for the man in which he is insensitive to sexual stimuli and cannot yet become hard again. The duration of this phase increases with age.
Breath and a trained pelvic floor also play an important role in edging. When edging, it is important to first find out what turns you on when you masturbate - only then can you take your start-stop game to the extreme and finally experience intense orgasms.

Edging: This is how to orgasm control works during solo sex
The edging sex technique focuses on stimulating you just enough to get you close to the point of no return. So you should be on the plateau phase (phase 2), but not going any further. You can best practice this on yourself while masturbating. Because when it comes to masturbation, you can decide for yourself what brings you to the climax, which is why more women have orgasms during solo sex!
If you find yourself about to climax, simply pause the stimulation. Wait a bit until your arousal has subsided and then repeat the whole thing for about 15-20 minutes. Even if this may feel like artificially imposed torture: the result is worth it!

Edging: This is how the start-stop game works for two
Edging can also be practiced wonderfully as a couple in a partnership and is ideal for unforgettable and long lovemaking: Your partner stimulates you with your tongue or fingers until you are about to climax. Then there is a break and the whole game starts over.
You can also show each other when you are close to the point of no return and then pause together. By delaying, your arousal gets stronger and stronger, so that when the orgasm erupts, it's much stronger than usual.
Conclusion: orgasm control with edging for intense climaxes
Playing with control around the orgasm stimulates particularly intensively and makes the climax that follows stronger than usual. This results in many women in longer orgasm phases than without edging - some also report multiple orgasms to female ejaculation.
Would you like to experience edging yourself?
Our Date Box Edging gives you tips and tricks for vulva and penis edging, and how you can experience an unforgettable edging game for two. The Date Box Edging provides breathing exercises and crisp pelvic floor exercises, as well as tips for your very personal vulva and penis edging. It's best to try it out for yourself!