Richtig blasen: Anleitung für unvergessliche Blowjobs OH MY! FANTASY

Guide to an unforgettable blowjobs

Blowjob, French Kiss, Fellatio: Oral sex for the penis is for many the Ferrari among sex practices, with unforgettable climaxes. Some women are totally into it, others really have to get over themselves to take his best piece in his mouth. No matter which camp you fall into, this guide will make you a blowjob queen! You can expect 7 tips for the perfect blowjob - with blowjob techniques and tricks for the right mindset so that you can also enjoy the blowjob.

Lippen mit Eiswürfel in den Händen


Proper blowjob: These 5 erogenous pleasure zones want to be pampered during a blowjob 

The best known and very popular form of oral sex among men is the stimulation of the penis by mouth, tongue, teeth or lips. "Fellatio" is Latin and stands for "suck". Colloquially, it is more commonly referred to as a blow job. Apart from the penis, men have many other erogenous zones that want to be pampered during a blowjob. A tip to increase the excitement slowly but surely is to work your way from the most insensitive areas to the most erogenous zones.

1. The scrotums

Every man has a different sensitivity of the scrotum. Some love to be stroked there and tickled with the tongue, others feel there rather little. It's best to just try it out!

2. The perineal area

For the zone between the back of the penis and the anus, kissing, stroking with the tongue or even nibbling and light biting are perfect. Strong pressure is even desired here! 

3. The penis shaft

The penis shaft responds especially to kisses and caresses supported with strong pressure.

4. The acorn

Here great caution is required! The glans are one of the most sensitive areas of a man's body. It loves to be gently pampered with lips, tongue, saliva, or teeth.

5. The frenulum

The most sensitive part of the glans is the frenulum that connects the foreskin of the penis with the underside of the glans. Even a delicate touch gives extreme feelings of pleasure!

Mund mit offenen Lippen und Eiswürfel

The ultimate guide: 7 tips for the perfect blowjob

1. Tips for the mindset: show your desire

Before we get to tips and tricks around the perfect blowjob, the most important thing is that you enjoy the blowjob. Important in the blowjob is the mindset that you do not see the penis as your task, but rather look forward to being able to spoil the penis. When you tie your hair, you can give him a deep look that shows how much you enjoy spoiling his penis right away and watching his excitement.

2. Hygiene before the blowjob is a MUST

For some women, it is a great overcoming to take the penis of their partner in the mouth. A shower before oral sex can help to overcome feelings of disgust - because dirty sex is really not meant literally in oral sex: an unwashed penis is not very erotic. It also can't be the claim to get a blowjob after a long day sweaty. That's when it's called: Off into the shower! But after a long shower, it is much more attractive to take the penis in the mouth with a blowjob. The nice side effect, if you take the shower in pairs: So you have directly an extended foreplay: Because such a shower can be quite hot! Thus, you can start the oral pleasure freshly showered - or even begin the first explorations during the shower.

3. Blowjob foreplay

Even though men are more quickly aroused than women, it's also not a good idea to jump right in with a blowjob. A gentle testicle massage and tender kisses as well as seductive playing around the intimate zone and the thighs with the fingers are ideal to warm him up. The longer you play the whole game, the more aroused your partner will become.

Mund mit Eiwürfel

4. Find a comfortable position

Find a position in which you can blow comfortably and you don't get a stiff neck or stiff palate. The following positions are suitable for this: 

  • While stiing
Variant 1: She kneels in front of him during the blowjob while he sits - this is super hot for him because he can watch everything closely.
Variation 2: She sits on a chair and he stands in front of her, so he can have some say in the rhythm.
Variation 3: He lies down and she kneels between his legs - this is most relaxing for him.
  • On the knees
Variant 1: He stands in front of her, she kneels in front of him with a pillow under her knees with her mouth at the level of the penis - this is very comfortable for her neck.
Variation 2: She lies on her back and he kneels above her at head level, supporting himself with his forearms above her head while she starts the blowjob.

5. Hands allowed during blowjob

Even if it's about oral pleasures during the blowjob, it doesn't mean that only tongue is allowed. On the contrary, you can just put your hands to work and the variety will keep him going. Or you can just sit on him when it's your turn to be pampered next.

6. Salivation ahoy!

A blowjob is simply better when it slips! It may take some effort, but when you let your saliva run free, it makes a huge difference! It just brings him more fun when his private parts are wet and warm. If you like it extra wet, you can also use lubricant gel or special oral sex lip gloss that provides exciting hot-cold effects. If you are no longer so restrained with the saliva control can also bring quite other things out of control!

Frau mit roten Lippen und Eiswürfel im Mund


7. Blowjob techniques

Slowly start to gently run your tongue around the tip of the glans and watch for his reactions. Here applies: Teeth are best retracted - but also: For some pleasure pain and the extra stimulation you can nibble from time to time during the blowjob! However, this "stylistic device" should be used quite consciously ;)

You can start slowly here and then suck more and more intensively on the glans and wrap it around completely with open lips. Then let the penis slide further and further into your mouth and stimulate him with a back and forth movement. You can also use your hands here. If you're willing to experiment, you can also move to his testicles and perineum and caress them with your tongue while stimulating the shaft of the penis with your hands.

Here are two particularly seductive techniques you can try:

First blowjob technique: intimate kiss

Gently play around the glans with the tip of your tongue without putting it in your mouth. To build up tension, breathe on the glans and kiss it. For goosebumps, take an ice cube in your mouth and run it over the glans - the temperature change from hot to cold can be incredibly arousing.

Second blowjob technique: Popsicle

Lick his penis with pleasure from the bottom up, like a popsicle. Compliment him on how hot you find his best piece.

Stroke his belly or testicles while you're at it. The perineum, the area between the testicles and anus, is extremely erogenous - keep massaging it in between with gentle pressure. When your fingers come into play, use lubricant.

As your arousal increases, you can increase the pressure and speed. When you feel he's about to come, lower the tempo a bit and let him cool down a bit.

Die Stellung 69 beim Oralsex für beide

The classic: 69 is satisfaction for both.
Perfect when you can't decide whether it's cunnilingus or fellatio's turn! He's on his back, she's on top of him in reverse, so you're both facing each other's genitals. She is better on top: this way she can kneel over his face so that he can better reach the clitoris with his mouth.

Blowjob guide conclusion

In general, the point of the blowjob is not to work through a rigid sequence of different techniques, but to find out what he particularly likes. Allow your creativity to run free. You can find more techniques in our Date Box Oral Total.

Want to get blowjob?

Oral Total Box

Want to take your oral sex to the next level yourself with these tips and give your sweetheart a blowjob? In our Date Box Oral Total you'll get inspiration for hot techniques for cunnilingus and fellatio, as well as tingling accessories for oral lip confessions!

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