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Besser küssen: 18 heiße Tipps und Techniken OH MY! FANTASY

Kiss better: 18 hot tips and techniques

You want to become a kissing expert? Then you've come to the right place - because kissing properly has to be learned! We'll show you 18 different kissing tips and techniques that will help you learn how to kiss better.  This is the ultimate guide on how to kiss with passion and intensity to show the person how much you really like and love them. It's best to try it out right away and melt away.

If you do it right, you can be sure that you will get it back more than twice! The article is written from the perspective of "she" kisses "him" - but of course applies to all constellations! So let's start kissing better right away:

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1. The Hello Kiss

Saying hello with a kiss is probably the most obvious thing you can do to your partner. There are many different techniques you can use to give your partner a hello kiss, but a quick kiss on the lips while hugging them is highly recommended.

Another way to say "hello" is to gently press his lower lip between your lips while slowly pulling away from him. Yummy!

2. Kisses on the neck

Your partner's neck is a super sensitive, erogenous region, and it's a big area. So the next time you kiss, just move your lips to his neck. It's very easy to include the neck in a kiss.

Gently press your lips together and suck on a small area of the neck for a second or two. Then move slightly up or down and kiss another area nearby. You can also mix in a little licking when you're not sucking on the neck.

If you want to kink it up a bit while kissing the neck, you can apply a little more pressure while sucking on his neck to give him a hickey. Another super technique is to bite VERY gently on the neck and hold the skin between your teeth. You should feel your partner breathing a little faster than normal when you do this!

3. Kisses while lying down 

You know that wonderful feeling when your partner takes the initiative to kiss you? It's hot that he takes control. However, it's definitely mutual: he likes it just as much when you take the initiative and start kissing him. Annoyingly, though, it can be difficult to be the one to co-initiate the kiss when your partner is taller than you.

Luckily, there's a really simple way to kiss him or her much more easily and naturally. The next time you're lying together, position yourself so that you're lying on your partner's chest. From here, it's really easy and feels natural to move up and face him. Then all you have to do is lean forward to kiss. With a stimulating lip gloss, your kisses will be even more intense - bet that...?

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4. Kisses against a wall

Hugging while kissing is very hot, of course...but there's a move that's a bit more passionate than just hugging. The next time you kiss your partner in a place where there is a wall (like your room), try to press him against it and lean against him/her so that he stays pressed against the wall.

This is a pretty dominant move that will turn him on a lot more...especially if you wouldn't normally do something like this. So if you want to be a little more aggressive than usual, try kissing him against a wall after pressing him against it.

5. The forhead kiss

There's something very soothing about the feeling of kissing your partner on the forehead (or him kissing you on the forehead). So it's probably not the best kissing technique to get started with if you want to be super passionate. But if your partner is tired or upset, it might be the perfect solution.

6. Let yourself be kissed

You are worried about what to do while kissing your partner? You don't know what to do with lips, tongue, mouth and hands? Don't worry. He will most likely have the same thoughts. The perfect antidote is to let your partner do all the work. That's right! Just sit back, relax, and let him kiss you while you enjoy it.

If you feel like he's been active a little too long, all you have to do is mimic him and kiss him back the same way you were kissed. So if he massaged your lips with his, do it back the same way. If he licked, sucked and kissed your neck, then do the same to him. Easy.

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7. The French Kiss - Hot French Kiss

No article about kissing would be complete without a word about French kissing! Hot French kissing is the perfect way to really show your sweetheart how passionate you are. Instead of just sticking your tongue down his throat and swirling it around like a washing machine, it's actually much more seductive to slow things down and almost tease while you kiss.

Start by sticking your tongue out a little and then use it to gently massage and caress his lips. Your partner should get the hint and will do the same. Once he opens his mouth a little and sticks out his tongue, you can start massaging it with yours.

Try alternating between massaging his tongue with yours and massaging his lips with your tongue for a few seconds, then have him do the same with his tongue to you while you make sure to mix in regular kisses as well. That's really all!

8. Kissing after a long eye contact

Most of these kissing tips describe exactly what you can do with your partner "physically" that is, physically. By "physical" in this context, it means that there are tips on what you can do with your lips, tongue, teeth, and hands. That's all important, but how you make him feel is just as important.

An excellent way to show him how much you love him is to first make deep eye contact for a few seconds before you kiss him. Now, this isn't something you can force if you feel like it. You should really wait until the time is right. When it is, you'll know.

It's also something you should use very sparingly. The less you use this technique, the more powerful it will be when you do use this kissing technique. It's a bit counterintuitive, but the desire for it gets stronger the less you do it.

9. Kisses from behind

It's very sexy and even a little submissive when your partner hugs you from behind and you lean back to kiss him. He can even help guide you by putting his hand on the back of your neck. This is another one of those techniques that works best when it's not forced, but only when it feels right.

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10. Carresing while kissing

Massaging your partner's scalp or hugging him is not the only thing you can do with your hands while kissing. Don't forget to run your hands all over his body... the chest, the back, the arms, the shoulders, and don't forget the butt! This is fine when you're both in a private place. But when you're both naked in bed, it's much more intimate and fun!

11.  Kisses when you're happy

Sharing a kiss with your partner when you are happy is a beautiful thing, a very nice moment with him to become more intimate. Maybe you joke or you both laugh about something that happened recently. If it comes up and feels right, just lean in and give him a quick kiss. Don't try to force it or do it too often. The key is to keep it natural. If you feel like it's getting awkward or unnatural, just wait a bit.

12. Kisses when it is windy and cold

Kissing your partner always in the same places gets boring very quickly, especially if it is always private or always in a predictable place. Therefore, try kissing your partner when it's windy and cold. It's so unexpected, but at the same time there's something incredibly soothing and warm about it. There is really nothing more to say about it. Try it and see for yourself.

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13. Play with ear

Your partner's ear (especially the earlobe) is incredibly sensitive and an erogenous zone at that! It's often even more sensitive than the lips. A unique way to enhance the sensation of kissing is to gently play with the earlobe with your fingers while you kiss him.

Instead of just randomly reaching for the ear while kissing, it will seem more natural if you first hold his neck in your hands and then move your fingers to the ear and start playing with the earlobe. It will also feel much more natural to play with just one of the earlobes instead of both at the same time.

14. Sucking the earlobe

Your partner's ear should not be the only subject of this article, but here's a tip about it. The earlobe is very sensitive, so he will definitely appreciate it if you pay a lot of attention to this part of his body.

A really gentle way to stimulate the earlobe is to gently suck on it with your lips. Then, when you're done, press it gently between your lips and slowly pull it away so that it's pulled through your lips. Another option is to use your teeth and do the exact same thing. Remember to apply only very light pressure when doing this. Don't be surprised if your partner shakes with pleasure!

15. Kuss an einem öffentlichen Platz

Kissing your partner in a public place is not something that anyone is comfortable with, but you might want to try it at least once. We're not talking about a bar or a club, but really somewhere out in the open, like on a street or in a mall.

Some people don't even know they like the idea of seeing other people kissing each other - until they actually try it. Who knows, maybe you're one of those people too!!!

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16. Kiss with tenderness

If your partner is tired, feeling down, or just not in a good mood, he probably won't respond well to you kissing him super passionately. A much better way to kiss him in this situation is to show him that you care about him. Kissing tenderly will accomplish just that. A tender kiss is very simple, just gently massage his lips between yours, kiss him on the cheek and touch or hug him.

17. Include scalp during kiss

"What should I do with my hands when I kiss?" The simplest answer is to just hug him by putting your hands around him. But that can get a little boring over time. A much more passionate way to use your hands is to massage and gently scratch his scalp, especially the back of his head.

It's super sensitive and feels wonderful to have your scalp rubbed, stroked, massaged and scratched. So, next time you kiss him, try it out, your partner will love it. After a while, just take his hand and put it on your scalp. The back of your scalp is by far the most sensitive. Most will instinctively know what to do from here.

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18. Kisses with passion 

Hopefully you like all these tips for kissing. One mistake that many often make after reading a list of sexy tips is that they just apply them like rules. They think they should try every kissing tip once, and all the tips in order - or something like that.

But that's not hot or sexy at all. It will make your partner think they are kissing an emotionless robot! A much better way to kiss is to try one or two of these tips first, and then just do what feels right and good. This will lead to much more passionate kissing, where you just enjoy what you're doing and get lost in the moment, rather than worrying about what to do next.

So use each of these kissing techniques as a rough guide, not as rigid rules to follow. You'll find that it feels very natural and it's much easier to kiss your partner with passion.

You want intimate kisses? 

Oral Total Date Box
In our Date Box Oral Total you get inspiration for hot techniques for licking and blowjobs as well as tingling accessories like a mouthwatering spray - for oral lip confessions!
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