Analsex: Mit dieser Anleitung klappt das erste Mal Analsex OH MY! FANTASY

Anal sex: With these instructions, anal sex works for the first time

Anal sex for the first time - the uncertainty is great. How does anal sex feel? What preparations do I need to make and what might my partner do? What should we both talk about first?

The fact is, there are quite a few myths surrounding the topic of anal sex. But don't let these intimidate you. We are happy to help you and have all the information about the preparations and instructions for the first anal from our Date Box Anal Play Intro here. 

Analsex - Wie fühlt es sich an? Ohne Schmerzen

Anal sex for the first time: you need to know that

The anus is an extremely erogenous zone for both men and women. If you pay attention to a few things, you can discover a whole new world of pleasure, because anal sex is intense, extremely intimate, and super hot precisely because it's something "dirty" that brings with it a touch of something forbidden. First of all, there is some information to demythologize the whole topic of anal sex for you. Anal sex isn't rocket science, and to prove it to you, you'll even get an excerpt from our  Date Box  Anal Play Intro on top. So make yourself comfortable and relax.

A few important points and information in advance:

  1. The anus is full of pleasure-giving nerve endings that make anal sex a very special experience.
  2. Yes, it's the back door and yes, there can always be something else that you don't want to have in sex. But first of all, that's normal - and with the right preparations, it's usually not an issue. The last part of the intestine before the anus is the rectum. In any case, stool only gets here shortly before emptying. However, you should be aware beforehand that something could go wrong. But there is no reason to be ashamed, we are all only human.
  3. Communication is crucial. If you agree on a safe word beforehand, you can cancel at any time if it is too intense for him or her. You can take the traffic light system, for example. Green stands for: Yes, more! further! Orange for: no more of it - but don't stop either. Red: stop immediately. You should definitely discuss safe words beforehand. It is best to use words that cannot be misunderstood or misinterpreted by your partner. 

Anal Po Frau
How does anal sex feel?

For many, anal sex is an unusual situation due to the taboo, so it's no wonder that there is a certain degree of insecurity, shame, or even fear. But we can assure you that with the right preparation and a slow approach, nothing bad will or can happen. As mentioned at the beginning, we know that there are many myths about anal sex - but the pain should not be involved (this also applies to any kind of unwanted pain during sex, by the way).

Since the anus is not primarily intended for sex, it first has to get used to anal play. So take your time and approach the whole thing slowly and carefully. Preparation is an important keyword here. If you follow these tips, you will soon notice that everything becomes more relaxed.

It is also important to know that the anus, unlike the vagina, does not produce its own lubricating fluid during arousal. A silicone-based lubricant is therefore a welcome help. It's thicker and doesn't dry out the way water-based lubes often do over time. Anal sex then becomes even more intense because the focus is more on the stimulation than the actual process.

Analsex Mythen
Which myths about anal sex are true?

There are numerous half-truths, rumors, and prejudices about anal sex floating around. You may have heard stories of anal sex being linked to missing items, unpleasant smells, and even medical emergencies. We clear up myths about anal sex and explain what it really feels like.

1. MYTH: Anal sex is unsanitary.

THE TRUTH:  Well, it's the back door and there can always be something else that you don't want to have during sex. But first of all: this is normal and doesn't matter at all. The last part of the intestine before the anus is the rectum. In any case, stool only gets here shortly before emptying. Relax or - for a super clean feeling - do an enema beforehand.

2. MYTH: Your sphincter muscles stretch during anal sex.

THE TRUTH:  This myth is in the same category as the rumor that childbirth stretches the vagina completely. Through regular anal sex, your sphincter muscles learn to react more relaxed to anal penetration and stimulation (which is also a matter of the mind). But he remains strong enough to contract again after sex. The only side effect: the day after anal sex, going to the toilet can get a little slippery.

3. MYTH: Anal sex is painful.

THE TRUTH:  Some people have a weird feeling the first time they do anal. There shouldn't be any pain. The anus is not primarily intended for sex and most of them have to get used to anal play first. In our Date Box  Anal Play Intro you will receive precise instructions on how the first-time anal works "smoothly" in the truest sense and becomes an unforgettable exciting experience. There is no such thing as too much lubricant! In contrast to the vagina, the anus does not produce its own lubricating liquid during arousal - so lubricating gel is a must.

4. MYTH: You don't need a condom during anal sex.

THE TRUTH:  In fact, some people think that there is only a low risk of pregnancy during anal sex, so there is no need to use a condom.  INCORRECT! The anus is very vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, hepatitis, or HIV due to the micro-cracks that develop more quickly.

5. MYTH: Anal sex is dangerous and can cause injury.

THE TRUTH:  Another concern is that our bodies are not designed for anal intercourse and it can permanently damage the passive partner. Of course, anal sex makes no sense from a purely reproductive point of view. First of all: However, any incorrectly applied sex practice can lead to injuries. If your vagina is dry and you don't use lube, micro tears can occur. The same can happen with anal sex. To be on the safe side: lubricant – no spit!

Anleitung für Analsex
Proper preparation for anal sex

With the right preparations, the anal adventure becomes a true explosion of pleasure! This includes hygiene and cleanliness, the right lubricant, digestive nutrition, and a pleasant, trusting atmosphere. Here you will find the most important tips on how to enjoy anal sex with pleasure.

1. Super clean feeling 

Yes, the anus is not the cleanest part of your body. So what? That's what makes anal sex so hot!

If you're uncomfortable and would rather be super clean before your first experience of anal sex, do an enema beforehand. Simply take an enema syringe and fill it up with lukewarm water. Apply some lube to your anus and the tip of the enema syringe, then squeeze the water in, hold it for a moment, and let it out on the toilet. Repeat this process until you feel clean.

2. Lube is a must

As already written, you should definitely make sure that there is enough lube  available. You'll find that it's actually an important ally in making anus penetration as painless and smooth as possible. It also minimizes the risk of tearing your skin and prevents pain from friction. That's why there can't be too much lube during anal sex. When you think it's enough, it's best to take a little more!

Gleitgel Silikonbasis „Analyse me“
3. Proper nutrition 

The biggest fear with anal sex is usually that something will come along with anal intercourse that shouldn't come along. The same applies here: it doesn't matter, the main thing is that it's fun!

If you can't fully relax on your date night because you're worried about it,  maybe watch what you eat 1-2 days before your date. Make sure you eat easily digestible things such as grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. These foods are usually high in fiber and help the bowels to empty themselves better and more regularly. It's best to avoid spicy foods or foods that make you bloated.

4. Have faith

If you want to try anal sex with your partner, you should have a good basis of trust. You should be able to give yourself completely to the other person, knowing that he or she will not hurt you - your partner, in turn, should have a high degree of empathy and be able to sense what is good for you and what is not. Communicate openly and honestly with each other and don't try to put up with something just because you think the other person will be offended or dissatisfied. You don't have to force yourself into anything and if you don't like something, use the safe words and rate together what was good and what was bad. This is the only way you can keep improving your experience and make the adventure of anal sex enjoyable for both of you.

5. Create a comfortable atmosphere

A nice ambiance with candles or dimmed lights and pleasant relaxing music help to calm tense nerves. Create an atmosphere that makes you feel comfortable and safe. Towels should be laid out on the bed in advance. It also doesn't hurt to have a second small towel ready. If you like, you can also place a few wet wipes within easy reach. Better safe than sorry.

Analsex Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung
Instructions for newbies: Anal sex for the first time 

Good preparation is half the battle for first-time anal sex. A relaxed atmosphere creates trust and lets you both relax. These are the two basic requirements for a pleasant experience. Now it can start!

Step-by-step anal sex for the first time

Here you will find an excerpt from our Date Box  Anal Play Intro, which contains step-by-step instructions, including audio to listen to live during the butt massage . So you don't have to worry about anything and you have the necessary peace and quiet for a relaxed, safe, and exciting first-time anal intercourse!

Full body massage: Start with an erotic massage. Everything that arouses and makes you want is allowed and desired: exchange lots of kisses, caress each other, explore each other's bodies, etc. Do exactly the things that you know make your partner hot. In short, the familiar sets the mood for the unknown.

And then it goes into the stomach position.

Buttocks massage:
Start with a relaxing buttocks massage. Here we have a bit of inspiration on how the giver can go about stim
ulating and approaching the anus to the receiver in the beginning. 
Analsex Anleitung Technik

Massage your partner's buttocks with your palms in a circular motion. You can also use your fingers to massage away any tension.


 Analsex Anleitung Technik

You can then use your fingers to massage the perineal area up and down with rolling movements.


During the butt massage,  other parts of the body can be stimulated at the same time. For example the stomach or the back. With a lot of time and lubricant and if you want also with one of our toys you finally slowly approach the anus. 

Take your time and ask your partner from time to time whether he or she feels comfortable and if you both already are - enjoy and experience a completely different form of pleasure.

FancyAnal Play Intro Box the adventure of anal sex?

Has your thirst for knowledge been quenched or do you still want something more? Detailed, step-by-step instructions for anal sex for the first time with techniques, preparations, and tips for the right mindset can be found in our Date Box  Anal Play Intro: With instructions for a  butt massage to relax and techniques to get used to slowly approach the anus with the right toys. There is also an exclusive compiled  playlist, which accompanies your anal play musically, as well as audio instructions with which the giver can be guided live through the butt massage. You will approach very slowly. Your curiosity, your fun, and your exploring together are in the foreground! 

Curious? Just check out the  Anal Play Intro Box and give it a try. We hope you have fun ;)

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