Sexpositive Inspiration
On this page we have put together a small but very fine selection of sex-positive inspiration for you. For a stimulating and exciting love life full of pleasure!
"With a seemingly limitless supply of porn on the internet, it's surprising how little of it captures the magic of genuine passion and desire found in real, loving partners."
Sex positive books
come as you like by Emily Nagoski (2015): The new women's sex book. The sex researcher has worked out three principles according to which every woman can experience her sex life satisfactorily. Because everyone has their own turn-on and turn-off during sex.
Coming Soon by Dania Schiftan (2018): Only every third woman regularly climaxes during sex. But just like a pianist needs to train his fingers, the vagina needs to be sensitized in order to feel anything during sex. In 10 steps to vaginal climax!
hand on it! von Gianna Bacio (2018): Sex educator Gianna Bacio knows: you have to learn and practice masturbation. Only those who know themselves and their preferences well can lead a fulfilling sex life and pass this on to their partner. A plea for female masturbation!
Slow Sex von Diana Richardson (2011): Stress and hectic characterize our lives, the result: in more and more partnerships, sex is anything but satisfying and fulfilling. "Slow Sex" opens up a way for all lovers to experience their sexuality in a permanently exciting and intense way.
The first German-language book on the sex-positive movement is from Barbara Zuschnig and Beatrix Roidinger. The sex-positive movement unites people who are searching for their authentic physicality, sexuality and eroticism. A sex-positive attitude is affirmative and appreciative. To every human being, no matter what kind of relationship.